Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm at a loss for words

I just received this email this morning from Apple and I still can't quite comprehend how fantastic this opportunity is. I am so incredibly honored and grateful. Thank you all for your belief and support this year and keep tuned in for more updates!

Hi, Jim and Louie.

I am writing because Apple is interested in including assets from the Jim Nazworthy app "FRC Scout" in an upcoming presentation at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC 2014), June 2-6, as an example of good design.

We kindly request your permission to use this content as part of WWDC.

If you are willing to grant us that permission, please review and add your name the Asset Usage Permission Form below, then email it back to (Alex Fitz).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Asset Usage Permission Form


ASSETS: FRC Scout app, icons, logos, and screen captures

TERM: 10 years from date of first use

TERRITORY: Worldwide

DESCRIPTION OF USE: For use, without compensation and royalty free, in Apple technical presentations, sessions and labs during Apple’s Developer Conference or Tech Talks and in video recordings of these presentations, sessions and labs, as well as associated slide presentations, to be publicly displayed and distributed (free of charge or for sale) during and after such events, as well as in the promotion and marketing of Apple products and services in connection with Apple’s Worldwide Developer Relations.

By returning this agreement, I represent and warrant that I am authorized to grant the permission described herein in accordance with the terms and conditions above.

Tracking Code:

1 comment:

  1. Congratz! We've receieved the same mail for our application, but couldn't find the spesific session that we've been featured.

    Are you able to find the session here;
